"No patients with neuromuscular disorders, except for advanced bulbar amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, need tracheostomy tubes to live and many unweanable elderly people weakened by prolonged critical care can be extubated to noninvasive management without resort to tracheotomy."
John R. Bach, MD
Centers for Noninvasive Respiratory Management
This section will be updated often.
New Jersey
John R. Bach, MD
Medical Director, Center for Noninvasive Management Alternatives and Pulmonary Rehabilitation
DOC Building, Room 3300
90 Bergen Street, Newark, NJ 07103
Services: Noninvasive management, extubation, and decannulation of adult and pediatric patients
For appointments: contact Grace Sia at 973-972-2809 or siagr@njms.rutgers.edu
For extubation of adult or pediatric patients: have the patient’s intensivist contact Dr. John Bach at bachjr@njms.rutgers.edu or 973-972-2850. (Email the patient’s name, date of birth, transferring hospital, and the telephone number of the unit the patient is on.)
For decannulation of adult or pediatric patients, including children with ability to breathe over 1 hour unassisted and adults with no ability to breathe unassisted: contact Grace Sia at 973-972-2809 or siagr@njms.rutgers.edu
Kristina Dzwonchyk RRT, CPFT
Outpatient Respiratory Supervisor
Hospital for Special Care
2150 Corbin Avenue, New Britain, Connecticut 06053
Phone: 860-259-7541
Website: https://hfsc.org/specialties/pulmonary-rehabilitation
Services: Noninvasive management of adult and pediatric patients (15 years and up), decannulation of "unweanable" patients
Angela King, BS, RPFT, RRT-NPS
Mobile Medical Homecare
15027 State Road 1, Leo, IN 46765
Phone: 260-627-5108
Email: angela.king@mobilemedicalhomecare.org
Services: Noninvasive management of adult and pediatric patients
Brian K. Walsh, PhD, RRT-NPS
Department of Anesthesiology, Division of Critical Care, Boston Children's Hospital
300 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115
Phone: 617-919-3692
Email: brian.walsh@childrens.harvard.edu
Robert Graham, MD
MDA Clinic
Department of Anesthesiology, Boston Children's Hospital
300 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115
Email: robert.graham@childrens.harvard.edu
Services: Noninvasive management of pediatric patients
Kathryn J. Swoboda, MD
Pediatric Neurology, Neurogenetics Program, Massachusetts General Hospital
185 Cambridge Street, Simches 5-240, Boston, MA 02114
Phone: 617-726-5732
Email: kswoboda@mgh.harvard.edu
Website: www.pediatricmotordisorders.org
Services: Noninvasive management and extubation of pediatric patients
New York
Norma Braun, MD
Department of Medicine, Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, Mount Sinai Hospital
E 101st St, New York, NY 10029
Services: Noninvasive management and decannulation of adult patients
For appointments:
Call or email Dr. Braun first so she can help
Call 212-523-4410
Get authorization from PCP for the referral
Nadir Demirel, MD
Medical Director, Pediatric Pulmonology, University of Minnesota
401 East River Road, VCRC Building, Minneapolis, MN 55455
Services: Noninvasive management and extubation of pediatric patients
For appointments: email ndemirel@umn.edu or call 1-917-5281768
For extubation of pediatric patients: contact Dr. Nadir Demirel at ndemirel@umn.edu or 1-917-528-1768. (Email the patient’s name, date of birth, transferring hospital, and the telephone number of the unit the patient is on.)
Eduardo Mireles-Cabodevila, MD
Program Director, Critical Care Medicine Fellowship, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Respiratory Institute, Cleveland Clinic
9500 Euclid Avenue, G62, Cleveland, OH 44195
Phone: 216-444-6503
Services: Noninvasive management, extubation, and decannulation of adult patients
Loutfi Aboussouan, MD
Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Respiratory Institute, Cleveland Clinic
9500 Euclid Avenue, G62, Cleveland, OH 44195
Phone: 216-444-6503
Services: Noninvasive management, extubation, and decannulation of adult patients
Jonathan D. Finder, MD
Pediatric Pulmonology, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
4055 Monroeville Boulevard, Suite 110, Monroeville, PA 15146
Pediatric Pulmonology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
4401 Penn Avenue, Suite 3300, Pittsburgh, PA 15224
Phone: 412-666-3800; 412-692-5630
Services: Noninvasive management of pediatric patients
Patrick J. Strollo, Jr., MD
Vice Chair of Medicine for Veterans Affairs
Professor of Medicine and Clinical and Translational Science
Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
Phone: 412-692-2880
Email: strollopj@upmc.edu
Sreelatha Naik, MD and Kelly Lobrutto, CRNP
Department of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine
Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center
1st Floor Valley Medical Building
1000E Mountain Blvd, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18718
Office phone: 570-808-5770, extension #1
Email: snaik1@geisinger.edu
Services: Noninvasive management of adult patients
Harold J. Farber, MD
Pediatric Pulmonology, Texas Children's Hospital
6701 Fannin Street, 9th Floor, Houston TX 77030
Phone: 832-822-3300
Services: Noninvasive management of pediatric patients
Larry S. Jefferson, MD
Pediatric Pulmonology, Texas Children's Hospital
MDA Clinic, Texas Children's Hospital
6701 Fannin Street, Houston, TX 77030
Phone: 832-822-3300
Services: Noninvasive management of pediatric patients
Jose Viroslav, MD
Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine
University Hospital Sleep & Breathing Disorders Clinic, UT Southwestern Medical Center
5939 Harry Hines Boulevard, 2nd Floor, Dallas, TX 75390-8842
Phone: 214-645-5337; 214-645-8300
Services: Noninvasive management, extubation, and decannulation of adult patients
Joshua O. Benditt, MD
Northwest Assisted Breathing Center
Medical Director, University of Washington Medical Center
1959 NE Pacific Street, Seattle, WA 98195
Phone: 206-543-3166
Email: benditt@u.washington.edu
Washington, DC
David M. Steinhorn, MD
Medical Director, PANDA Palliative Care Team, Department of Critical Care
Children’s National Health System
111 Michigan Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20010
Phone: 202-476-2290
Pager: 202-259-1821
Email: dsteinhorn@childrensnational.org or dsteinhorn@gmail.com
Services: Noninvasive management of pediatric patients
Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Eduardo Luis DeVito, MD, PhD
Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas Alfredo Lanari
Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Email: eldevito@gmail.com
Services: Noninvasive management, extubation, and decannulation of “unweanable” adults
San Fernando, Argentina
Lic. Herrero María Victoria, Licenciada Kinesióloga Fisiatra - UBA
Petrona Villegas de Cordero Hospital, Ciudad de Buenos
Centro del Parque Clinic, Buenos Aires
For appointments: residenciakinesiosanfer@yahoo.com.ar
Email: mvherrero@hotmail.com
Services: Noninvasive management of adult and pediatric patients
San Fernando, Argentina
Lic. Emilio Rositi
Petrona Villegas de Cordero Hospital
Email: emiliorositi@hotmail.com
Services: Noninvasive management of adult and pediatric patients
Cordoba (Gospa), Argentina
Lic. Celia M. Bersano
Phone: 0351 421 5372 156 508201
Email: celiabersano@hotmail.com
Services: Noninvasive management of adults
Mendoza, Argentina
Damian R. Pronello, MD
Instituto Neumo Home
Neumonologia, Neumonologo Infantil
VIEYTES 36. Nro. 2, Godoy Cruz Mendoza
Phone: 0261-157191318
Email: damianpronello@gmail.com
Services: Noninvasive management, extubation, and decannulation of "unweanable" pediatric and adult patients
Dra. Jessica Valencia Rivero
Jefe de Apoyo Respiratorio En el Hospital Ángeles del Pedregal
Phone: 5554495500 ext 2108
Email: aprhap@saludangeles.com
Consulta privada y visitas domiciliarias. Consultorio 847 Torre Ángeles. Hospital Ángeles Pedregal
Phone: 5554495500 ext 4847
Email: consultorio847@gmail.com
Services: Noninvasive management and decannulation of adult patients
Brussels, Belgium
Michel Toussaint, PT, PhD
Jurn Haan, MD
Ingrid Monsieur, MD
Centre for Neuromuscular Disorders and Home Mechanical Ventilation, UZ Brussel-Inkendaal
Vlezenbeek, Belgium
Email: michel.toussaint@inkendaal.be; jurn.haan@inkendaal.be; ingrid.monsieur@inkendaal.be
Services: Noninvasive management of adult and pediatric patients including those with no ventilator-free breathing ability
Liège, Belgium
Laurent Servais, MD, PhD
Institute de Myologie
Liège, Belgium
Email: l.servais@institut-myologie.org
Services: Noninvasive management of adult and pediatric patients
Belo Horizonte, Minas Geras, Brazil
Mauro Vidigal de Rezende Lopez
Email: maurovrl@hotmail.com
Services: Noninvasive management, extubation, and decannulation of “unweanable” adults
*FOR MORE INFO, VISIT www.canventottawa.ca
Montreal, Canada
Marta Kaminska, MD, MSc
Medical Director, Quebec National Program for Home Ventilatory Assistance
McGill University Health Centre, Respiratory Division / Sleep Laboratory
1001 Decarie Blvd, Montreal, Qc, H4A 3J1, Canada
For appointments (with referral): 514-934-1934; 514-843-1537
Website: www.pnavd.org
Services: Noninvasive management of adults with neuromuscular disorders
Montreal, Canada
David Zielinski, MD
Medical Director, Quebec National Program for Home Ventilatory Assistance
McGill University Health Centre, Pediatric Respirology
1001 Decarie Blvd, Montreal, Qc, H4A 3J1, Canada
For appointments (with referral): 514-934-1934
Website: www.pnavd.org
Services: Noninvasive management of pediatric patients with neuromuscular disorders
Montreal, Canada
Sandra Dial, MD
Director, McGill University Health Centre, Montreal Chest Institute Intensive Care Unit
Phone: 514-934-1934 x32563
Fax: 514-843-2213
Services: Weaning, extubation, decannulation of adults
Ottawa, Canada
Sherri Katz, MD, CM, PRCPC
Respirologist and Director, Sleep Laboratory, Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa
401 Smyth Road, Ottawa, Ontario, K1H 8L1, Canada
Phone: 613-737-7600 x2956
Fax: 613-738-4886
Email: skatz@cheo.on.ca
Services: Noninvasive management, extubation, and decannulation of older “unweanable” pediatric patients
Ottawa, Canada
Douglas McKim, MD
Pulmonologist, Department of Medicine – Rehabilitation Medicine Division, Ottawa Hospital
505 Smyth, Ottawa, Ontario, K1H 8M2, Canada
Phone: 613-737-7350 x318
Email: dmckim@ottawahospital.on.ca
Servies: Noninvasive management, extubation, and decannulation of “unweanable” adults
Quebec City, Canada
Marie-Eve Bédard, MD, FRCPC
Pneumologue CHU de Québec
Formation médicale spécialisée neuro-respiratoire
Chargée d’enseignement clinique à l’Université Laval of Quebec City
Email: marie-eve.bedard@hotmail.com
Services: Noninvasive management of adults
Santiago, Chile
Francisco Prado, MD
Universidad de Chile, Health Chilean Ministry, Santiago, Chile
Email: panchoprado2004@gmail.com
Services: Noninvasive management, extubation, and decannulation of “unweanable” adults
Santiago, Chile
Pamela Salinas, A.N.F.
Health Chilean Ministry, Santiago, Chile
Email: psalinaf@gmail.com
Services: Noninvasive management, extubation, and decannulation of “unweanable” adults
Santiago, Chile
Sofía Aros, MD
Chief of Pediatrics, San Borja Arriaran Hospital
Email: sofia.aros.aranguiz@gmail.com
Services: Noninvasive management of pediatric patients
Santiago, Chile
Carolina S. Garcia, MD
Chief of Medicina Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service, Hospital del Salvador
Av. Salvador 364, Providencia, Región Metropolitana, Chile
For appointments: ***
Services: ***
Beijing, China
Cao Ling, MD
Director of Pulmonary Department, Capital Institute of Pediatrics
2 YaBao Road, Beijing, China
Phone: 8610-85637766-5625
Services: Noninvasive management of pediatric patients
Beijing, China
Yuan Yi, MD
Pediatric Pulmonology, Capital Institute of Pediatrics
2 YaBao Road, Beijing, China
Phone: 8610-85637766-5625
Services: Noninvasive management of pediatric patients
Beijing, China
Dr. Hui Xiong
Department of Pediatrics, Beijing University First Hospital
Services: Noninvasive management of pediatric patients
Beijing, China
Liping Wang, MD
Department of Neurology, Peking University Third Hospital
Phone: 8610-82264402
Email: chinaals@gmail.com
Services: Noninvasive management of adult patients
London, England
Nick Hart, BSc, PhD, MRCP, FFICM
Clinical & Academic Director, Lane Fox Respiratory Unit, St Thomas’ Hospital
Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
Email: Nicholas.Hart@gstt.nhs.uk
For referrals: http://www.guysandstthomas.nhs.uk/our-services/lane-fox/referrals.aspx
Services: Noninvasive management, extubation, and decannulation of "unweanable" patients ages 15 years and up
Physician’s Assistant: Carol Bridge
Phone: 020 7188 6115
Direct Tel: 020 7188 3447
Fax: 020 7188 6116
Email: carol.bridge@gstt.nhs.uk
Paris, France
Jesus Gonzalez (-Bermejo)
Pneumologue, Faculté de médecine, Sorbonne Universités, UPMC, Paris 06
Groupe Hospitalier Pitié Salpêtrière-Charles Foix, 47-83 Bd de l'Hôpital 75651 Paris Cedex 13, France
Phone: +33 1 42167859
Email: jesus.gonzalez@aphp.fr
Services: Noninvasive management, extubation, and decannulation of adults and children older than 15 years of age
Hamburg, Germany
Martin Bachmann, MD
Asklepios Klinik Hamburg-Harburg, Germany
Email: ma.bachmann@asklepios.com
Services: Noninvasive management of adults
Sophelia Chan, MD
Department of Pediatric Neurology
Queen Mary Hospital/Duchess of Kent Children's Hospital
12 Sandy Bay Road, Sandy Bay, Hong Kong
Email: sophehs@hku.hk
Services: Noninvasive management of pediatric patients
So-lun Lee, MD
Consultant Paediatrician (Respiratory Medicine)
Duchess of Kent Children’s Hospital
12 Sandy Bay Road, Sandy Bay, Hong Kong
Phone: (852)-29740317
Services: Noninvasive management of pediatric patients
Dr. Christy Chau
Associate Consultant (Respiratory Medicine)
Email: Christy_skchau@hotmail.com
Services: Noninvasive management of pediatric patients
Jerusalem, Israel
Eliezer Be’eri, MD
Director, Respiratory Rehabilitation Unit, Alyn Pediatric Rehabilitation Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel
Phone: 972-2-5871183
Email: ebeeri@alyn.org
Services: Noninvasive management and extubation of pediatric patients.
Rehovot, Israel
Daniel Starobin
Pulmonary Institute, Kaplan Medical Center, Rehovot, Israel
Email: daniel_s@clalit.org.il; stardmd@yahoo.com
Services: ***
Tel Aviv, Israel
Ditza Gross, PhD
Director of the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Unit, Tel Aviv Sourosky Medical Center
Phone: 972-52-4266499
Email: ditza@tasmc.health.gov.il
Services: Noninvasive management, extubation, and decannulation of adults and pediatric patients
Tel-Hashomer, Israel
Arie Wollner, MD
Director, Respiratory Care and Rehabilitation, Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer 5264
Phone: 972-3-5305314/3704; 646-4329254; 212-9247991 x5404 4D
Email: resrehab@sheeba.health.gov.il
Services: Noninvasive management of adults
Bologna, Italy
Marcello Villanova, MD, PhD
Neuromuscular Unit, Nigrisoli Hospital, Bologna, Italy
Email: villanovamarcello@libero.it
Services: Noninvasive management and decannulation of pediatric patients with 1 hour or more ventilator-free breathing ability
Roma, Italy
Renato Cutrera, MD
Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, Piazza S. Onofrio, 4 - 00164 Roma
Phone: 06.68592020
Fax: 06.68592300
Email: renato.cutrera@gmail.com
Services: Noninvasive ventilation of pediatric patients
Alessandria, Italy
Fabrizio Racca, MD
Medical Director, Departement of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
SS Antonio Biagio e Cesare Arrigo Hospital Via Venezia 16 - 15121 Alessandria (AL)
Email: fracca@ospedale.al.it
Services: Noninvasive ventilation and extubation of "unweanable" pediatric and adult patients
Hokkaido, Japan
Yuka Ishikawa, MD
Pediatric Neurologist, Department of Pediatrics, National Organization Yakumo Hospital, Futami-gun, Hokkaido, Japan
Phone: 01-3763-2126
Email: yuka@msa.biglobe.ne.jp
Services: Noninvasive management, extubation, and decannulation of adult and pediatric patients
Osaka, Japan
Akiko Toki, MD, PhD
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Osaka General Medical Center
3-1-56 Bandai-higashi, Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka, Japan
Phone: 06-6692-1201
Email: tokia@opho.jp
Services: Noninvasive management, extubation, and decannulation of adult and pediatric patients
Guadalajara, Mexico
Dra. Emilia Luna Padrón
Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara, Teleton Fondation
Medical Director, Pulmonar Rehabilitation Department, "Centro de Rehabilitación infantil Teleton de Occidente"
Phone: 01 3313 61 38 73; 01 33 34 25 26 x2539
Email: eluna@teleton-occ.org.mx
Services: Noninvasive management, extubation, and decannulation of adult and pediatric patients.
Querétaro, Mexico
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
Dr. Mario Alberto Rosas Navarro
Neumologo, Rehabilitation Pulmonar
Ced. Prof. 5196058 Ced Esp. 8025209
Asociacion Latinoamericana del Torax
Sociedad Mexicana de Neumologia y Cirugia de Torax
Phone: Querétaro: (442) 195 8685 / San Miguel: (415) 152 5900
Email: md.mariorosas@gmail.com
Services: Noninvasive management and extubation of adult and pediatric patients
Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, Mexico
Dra. Jennyfer Yazmín Meneses Saldaña
Medicina de Rehabilitación, Alta especialidad Rehabilitación Pulmonar
Ced. Prof. 6397872 Ced Esp. 8567545
Phone: (961) 390 4479
Email: drajmeneses@gmail.com
Services: Noninvasive management and extubation of adult and pediatric patients
Mexico City, Mexico
Dra. Jessica Valencia Rivero
SIVTA Homecare SA de CV
Arenal 557, Arenal Tepepan, Tlalpan, 14610 Ciudad de México, CDMX
Phone: +52 55 5555 6057
Email: info@sivtahomecare.com
Services: Noninvasive management and extubation of adult patients
San Lorenzo City, Paraguay
Gloria Concepcion Gimenez Ysasi
Physical Therapy, Clinicas Hospital, San Lorenzo City, Paraguay
Services: Noninvasive management, extubation, and decannulation of adult patients
Phone: +981902404
Email: glorhiag@gmail.com
Bydgoszcz, Poland
Mariusz Wachulski
Phone: 48.663053160
Email: wachulski@vp.pl
Services: Noninvasive management of adult patients. Cannot provide long-term care or guarantee extubations or decannulations.
Zakopani, Poland
Tomasz Potaczek
Orthopedic surgery
Services: Spinal instrumentation to correct scoliosis using up to continuous noninvasive ventilatory support and mechanically assisted cough for patients with vital capacities less than 30% of predicted normal. Understands noninvasive management of adult patients.
Porto, Portugal
Miguel R. Goncalves, PhD
Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Portugal
Pulmonary Service, Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos, Hospital Universitario de San Joao, Porto, Portugal
Phone: 351-21-3572241
Email: goncalvesmr@gmail.com
Services: Noninvasive management, extubation, and decannulation of adult and pediatric patients including those with no ventilator-free breathing ability.
Guimarães, Portugal
Maria Jose’ Guimarães, RRT
Serviço de Pneumologia, Hospital de Guimarães, Rua dos Cutileiros, Guimarães, Portugal
Email: zezaguimaraes@gmail.com
Services: Noninvasive management and extubation of adults
Vila Real, Portugal
Bebiana Conde, MD
Centro Hospitalar Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (CHTMAD,EPE), em Vila
For referrals: bfconde@chtmad.min-saude.pt
Phone: 00351936305294
Services: Noninvasive management, extubation, and decannulation of adult and pediatric patients starting from age 6
Doha, Qatar
Hani Jaouni, MD, Chokkalinga Damodaran, RT
Department of Internal Medicine, Hamad General Hospital, Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha, Qatar
For appointments: ***
Services: ***
Seoul, Republic of Korea
Seong-Woong Kang, MD
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Gangnam Severance Hospital, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Email: kswoong@yumc.yonsei.ac.kr
Services: Noninvasive management of adult and pediatric patients
Wohah Choi, MD
Email: reedlove37@yuhs.ac
Services: Noninvasive management of adult and pediatric patients
Pusan, Republic of Korea
Yongbeom Shin, MD, PhD
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Pusan National University Hospital
179 Gudeck-ro, Seo-gu, Busan-si, 602-739 Korea
Phone: +82-51-240-7484, 7480
Email: yi0314@gmail.com
Services: Noninvasive management of adult and pediatric patients
Yangsan, Republic of Korea
Soo-Yeon Kim, MD.
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Yangsan Hospital
Yangsan, Gyeongnam, 626-789 Korea
Phone: +82-55-360-2876
Email: drkimsy@gmail.com
Services: Noninvasive management of adult and pediatric patients
Moscow, Russia
Alexandra Levontin, MD
Children’s Hospice “Lighthouse”
Phone: +79037615022
Email: cvetvereska@gmail.com
Services: Noninvasive management of pediatric patients
Moscow, Russia
Vasiliy Shtabnitskiy, MD
Children’s Hospice “Lighthouse”
Phone: +79163620594
Email: shtabnitskiy@gmail.com
Services: Noninvasive management of adult patients
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Oluwasegun Albert, BSc, MPH, RRT
Respiratory Critical Care Department, King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
For appointments: ***
Services: ***
Alicante, Spain
Elia Gómez Merino, MD
Seccion de Neurologia Hospital Clinico, Universitario Sant Joan d'Alacant
San Juan de Alicante 03550
For private patients, call Clínica Vistahermosa:
Unidad de Sueño
Phone: +34.965264200, ext. 6037
Email: duermebien@clinicavistahermosa.es or www.unidadsueñovistahermosa.es
For patients with Social Security, refer directly by a general practitioner or neurologist.
For patients living in another hospital area, request a "second opinion" from our center and Dra. Elia Gómez Merino. Sección de Neumología. Hospital San Juan de Alicante.
Services: Noninvasive management and extubation of patients over age 7.
Murcia, Spain
Antonio M. Esquinas, PhD
Intensive Care Unit, Hospital Morales Meseguer
Avenida Marques Velez s/n, Murcia, 30.008. Spain
Phone: +3460932196
Email: antmesquinas@gmail.com
Services: Noninvasive management, extubation, and decannulation of adult patients
Valencia, Spain
Emilio Servera, Professor of Respiratory Diseases
Hospital Clinic Universitari, Avda. Vincente Blasco Ibanez 17, 46010 Valencia
Email: ucr_clinico@gva.es
Website: neumoclinicovalencia.com
Services: Noninvasive management and decannulation of unweanable adult patients with tracheostomy tubes
Madrid, Spain
Pedro Landete, MD, PhD, Professor of Respiratory Diseases
University Hospital La Princesa, calle Diego de León 62, 28006, Madrid
Email: pedro.landete@salud.madrid.org
Services: Noninvasive management and decannulation of unweanable adult patients with tracheostomy tubes
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Yuh-Jyh Jong, MD, DMS
Pediatric Pulmonology
Dean, Professor of College of Biological Science and Technology, National Chiao Tung University
Professor of Pediatrics and Medical Genetics, Kaohsiung Medical University
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Phone: 886 7 3121101 x6509
Email: yjjongnctu@gmail.com; yjjong@gap.kmu.edu.tw; yjjong@cc.kmu.edu.tw
Services: Noninvasive management and extubation of pediatric patients
Montevideo, Uruguay
Prof. Catalina Pinchak
Pediatric Pneumology, Universidad de la República (UdelaR)
Av. 18 de Julio 1824-1850, 11200 Montevideo, Departamento de Montevideo, Uruguay
For appointments: ***
Services: ***